Bergweg-Forum Denken der Zukunft e. V. – Innovative Interdisciplinary Thought
Guiding principles
To do new things is the challenge of our time. But what are the preconditions for successful innovation? How can we be sure the innovations we design will be effective in the long term? Do traditional conceptual models of industrial society still provide an appropriate framework for them? Or do we have to think and learn in new ways in every sphere of society? Do we need to transcend borders and create new interdisciplinary knowledge networks? We develop perspectives for the future in dialog with our clients and partners. The aim is to create confidence by exploring the relations between different intellectual approaches, cultures and disciplines.
A selection of ideas, events, projects, and speakers to date:
Time and Logic (Prof. Dr. Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Starnberg, D)
Second-Order-Cybernetics (Prof. Dr. Heinz von Foerster, Pecadero, USA)
The Future of Work (Prof. Dr. Orio Giarini, Genf, CH)
System Theorie and Economics (Prof. Dr. Michael Hutter, Witten-Herdecke, D)
Open Systems (Dr. Günter Küppers, Bielefeld, D)
Language and Behavior (Prof. Dr. Humberto Maturana, Santiago, Chile)
Uncertainty and Complexity (Prof. Dr. Franz Reither, Bamberg, D)
Logic and Communication (Dr. Fritz B. Simon, Heidelberg, D)
Self-organization und Neurophysiology (Prof. Dr. Wolf Singer, Frankfurt, D)
Perception and Action (Prof. Dr. Francisco Varela, Paris, F)
Energy and Labour (Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Wuppertal, D)
New Media Worlds (Dr. Michael Klein u. Dr. Gerd Döben-Henisch, Frankfurt, D)
Information and Complexity (Dr. Harald Atmanspacher, München, D)
Aesthetics and science (Prof. Dr. Ernst-Peter Fischer)
Climate models and scenarios (Prof. Dr. Klaus Hasselmann)
Thinking and Knowledge (Dr. Albrecht von Müller)
Dialogs in the dark (with Andreas Heinecke)
For members and friends of the Bergweg Forum
and other cooperation partners see: FutureLinks
Executive Board:
Dr. Bernhard von Mutius
Prof. Dr. Franz Reither
Dr. Verena Metze-Mangold